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SJU Care Packages
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Desired pickup date? Requests must be made 24 hours in advance of pickup at the Refectory Dining Room.
Package Choices
BIRTHDAY CAKE (CHOCOLATE) Decorated cake to serve15 people
BIRTHDAY CAKE (WHITE) Decorated cake to serve 15 people
SNACK PACK (1 dozen large fudge brownies, 1 dozen fresh baked cookies and a six-pack of soda)
PIZZA CERTIFICATE (16 inch pizza and four 20oz bottles of soda from Sexton Commons)
STUDY BREAK (2 dozen gourmet cookies and a 1/2 gallon carton of milk)
BIRTHDAY PARTY (CHOCOLATE) Decorated cake, six-pack of soda, plates, forks and napkins
BIRTHDAY PARTY (WHITE) Decorated cake, six-pack of soda, plates, forks and napkins)
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