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Ministerial Resident/ Intern Application
Application for a Ministerial Resident position at Saint John's University Campus Ministry
Please Note:
Be sure you have read and understand the appropriate job descriptions on our website and the expectations of the Ministerial Residency Program through the SOT/Sem. Qualified applicants are those who have been accepted to a Master's program at the SOT/Sem.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address
What is the status of your SOT/Sem application?
Check one box
In process of applying
Have not yet applied
If you are in the application process or have not yet applied, when do you plan to have all of your application materials in by?
Which degree program are you pursuing and what excites you about this course of study?
Which of the following Ministerial Residents are you interested in?
Check all that apply
MR for Retreats
MR for Service and Immersions
MR for Faith Sharing Communities
MR for Liturgy
Of the positions to which you are applying, which one are you most interested in and what skills and experiences do you bring to this work?
Briefly describe two or three things that would be important to you in a Ministerial Resident position.
Describe your most rewarding job experience.
Please attach an updated resume.
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