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Forms Manager
Deer Hunt Stand Change Request
Check the
Districts Assigned list
to see which districts have openings before completing this form.
The website will be updated as often as possible, but note that it is possible that requests from other hunters will be received and processed ahead of yours and before we've had a chance to update the website.
We will process the requests in the order they are received and as quickly as possible. In some cases the approval may take up to 72 hours or more (requests will not be approved on weekends). Please plan ahead.
You may only change districts AFTER YOU HAVE RECEIVED A CONFIRMATION by email or phone that your change has been approved.
Please choose an option to begin:
Stand Change Options
I want to move to an open spot in a different hunting district.
I want to 'swap' hunting districts with another hunter (both hunters need to agree, only one needs to apply).
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