Forms Manager

Fine Arts Scholarship Recommendation Form

Music and Theater Scholarships*

To the applicant:

Please give this web link to a teacher, guidance counselor or community leader who is familiar with your artistic abilities. The completed recommendation should be submitted electronically by January 15.

To the recommender:

This form will aid the Scholarship Committee with the evaluation of this student’s Music or Theater Scholarship application. The information provided below is one part of the total evaluation of the applicant’s eligibility for a scholarship.

*NOTE: A fine arts letter of recommendation is NOT needed to apply for an art scholarship at CSB and SJU. It is not required to apply for a music scholarship but still encouraged.

For which scholarship(s) is the student applying?
In describing this student please rate that student 1-4, with 1 meaning below average and 4 meaning excellent:
Based on this student's past performance and future potential, do you recommend this student for a Music or Theater Scholarship?
All students, by law, have full access to their records and files upon enrollment. Please instruct us on how to handle your recommendation.
We very much value any comments you have regarding this student's ability in the area in which he or she is applying (Music or Theater). Please attach your comments using the method that is easiest for you: either by attaching a Word document or typing them in the comment box below.