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2024-2025 McCarthy Center Mentor Program Student Application
Mentee Expectations:
1. Complete the Mentee application form.
2. Meet with your mentor(s) for an informational interview or Zoom call.
3. Exchange and discuss resume, letters of recommendation, and cover letters with your mentor.
4. Complete check-ins with the McCarthy Center Student Mentor Program Coordinators.
5. Attend Mentor Program meetings and Polidazzle.
6. Create a LinkedIn Profile, resume, and cover letter.
7. Participate in the spring wrap-up reception and workshops.
8. Attend other meetings and events as necessary.
Because of constraints with the number of available mentors and student workers, we may not be able to accept every single student. Therefore, treat this form as an application and fill it out honestly and with your best effort.
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Why do you want to be apart of the Mentor Program? What goals do you have that you believe this mentor program can help you facilitate?
Tell us about a time that you took an interpersonal risk
Examples: Took a class outside of your major because of an interest, went to an event alone, talked to a stranger on the Link and made a friend
Describe your campus, home, and community involvement relevant to your personal and professional development
This does NOT need to be a summary of your resume (Examples: church groups, volunteering, study abroad)
Describe a positive mentor experience you've had in the past and why it was positive for you
Examples: High school teacher or college professor, other mentor programs, manager/boss at a job
Specific areas of interest?
Be as specific as possible, it will help us pair you up with a good mentor!
Have you ever been a member of the program before?
Would you prefer 1 or 2 mentors?
Keep in mind that the number of mentors fluctuates and there may not be enough for every student to have two
One Mentor
Two Mentors
By submitting this form, I agree to all the mentee expectations and can attend the required events.
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