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Roots: An Eco-Spirituality Retreat

Roots: An Eco-Spirituality Retreat

Who: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors

What: Roots takes you to the Catholic Worker Farm in Lake City where our hosts Paul and Sara Fried lead retreatants on practices and mission of the Catholic Worker farms. On the retreat students will grow in their understanding of and have an opportunity to practice environmental stewardship, sustainability, and environmentally consciencious living. Retreatants explore how to practice hospitality, welcoming the stranger, stewardship, and care for creation by volunteering with Catholic Worker community members, and pray and grow with one another.  Weather permitting, retreatants also have the opportunity to camp out under the stars as a part of the retreat experience.

When:  Saturday, October 19 - Sunday, October 20

Where: Lake City Catholic Worker Farm, 33292 County 5 Blvd, Lake City, MN 55041

Cost: $20 (Scholarship available, email Assistant Director, Carter Howell with any questions)

What next: Fill out this form and reserve your spot!

Class Cohort

Payment Option
Please select either card or cash (if cash, please bring payment to SJUfaith office in Mary 100)