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Prayer & Work Service Series - Spring 2025

Johnnies — interested in doing a little service around campus? Put the Benedictine value ora et labora (prayer and work) into action this year!

SJUfaith and Saint John’s Abbey are partnering to host the Prayer & Work Service Series. On select Saturday afternoons from 11:20 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., you will work with members of the monastic community to beautify our campus. Projects may include working in the Arboretum, gardening, helping with construction, etc.

This year P&W will start with Mass at 11:20 with the monastic community. Lunch will be provided following Mass!

Prayer and Work Dates
Select the date(s) you would like to participate in.
Year in School:

Allergies, gluten free, vegetarian, etc.